
You define, we deliver

  1. We build software for your unique business needs, just “we can” and a balanced budget.
  2. All basic codes used in developing software are open source to ensure sustainable improvement and migration.
  3. "Reuse" free open source code, "Buy" mature software system, "Build" special needs. Reuse before Buy, Buy before Build.
  4. Startups can benefit from outsourcing their software needs and avoid reinventing the wheel.

Main stacks:

  • Front-end: ReactJs + TypeScript + Material-UI
  • Backend: .NET 8 + C# + EntityFramework
  • Mobile: React Native or Flutter.
  • Azure Kubernets (or Microk8s) DevOps setup.
  • For business management & payment related features, SmartERP SaaS APIs will be applied.
            drawflow: {
              Home: {
                data: {
                  "1": {
                    id: 1,
                    name: "ProjectDiscovery",
                    class: "task",
                    data: {},
                    html: '
Project Discovery
The initial phase involves understanding the client\'s needs, business goals, challenges, and the budgets & timelines.
', typenode: false, inputs: { }, outputs: { output_1: { connections: [ { node: "2", output: "input_1" } ] } }, pos_x: 40, pos_y: 20 }, "2": { id: 2, name: "SystemDesign", class: "task", data: {}, html: '
System Design
The system architecture is designed in this phase, including database structure, user interface, and functionality.
', typenode: false, inputs: { input_1: { connections: [{ node: "1", input: "output_1" }] } }, outputs: { connections: [{ node: "3", input: "input_1" }] }, pos_x: 40, pos_y: 280 }, "3": { id: 3, name: "Coding", class: "task", data: {}, html: '
Once the design is approved, developers begin the coding and testing phase with Agile or Walterfall methodologies.
', typenode: false, inputs: { input_1: { connections: [{ node: "2", input: "output_1" }] } }, outputs: { connections: [{ node: "4", input: "input_1" }] }, pos_x: 420, pos_y: 20 }, "4": { id: 4, name: "Deployment", class: "task", data: {}, html: '
This phase involves careful planning to ensure a smooth transition from development to live operation.
', typenode: false, inputs: { input_1: { connections: [{ node: "3", input: "output_1" }] } }, outputs: { connections: [{ node: "5", input: "input_1" }] }, pos_x: 420, pos_y: 280 }, "5": { id: 5, name: "Maintenance", class: "task", data: {}, html: '
Post-deployment, ongoing maintenance is crucial to address bugs, implement updates, and provide support.
', typenode: false, inputs: { input_1: { connections: [{ node: "4", input: "output_1" }] } }, outputs: { }, pos_x: 800, pos_y: 120 } } } } }
