
Be a relaxed business owner

  1. Open platform services for small and medium-sized enterprise business management.
  2. Start your journey in minutes with no training required.
  3. Rich APIs are used for customized development. You define it and we implement it.
  4. "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." Make user interfaces and code as simple as possible.

We are migrating the SaaS service to Australia Data Center and ready in 2025...

            drawflow: {
              Home: {
                data: {
                  "1": {
                    id: 1,
                    name: "Setup",
                    class: "task",
                    data: {},
                    html: '
Create your account online within minutes and pay for the services you are interested with guides.
', typenode: false, inputs: { }, outputs: { output_1: { connections: [ { node: "2", output: "input_1" } ] } }, pos_x: 40, pos_y: 20 }, "2": { id: 2, name: "BaseData", class: "task", data: {}, html: '
Base data
Add the users in your business with correct permissions and the products or services you are selling.
', typenode: false, inputs: { input_1: { connections: [{ node: "1", input: "output_1" }] } }, outputs: { connections: [{ node: "3", input: "input_1" }] }, pos_x: 40, pos_y: 280 }, "3": { id: 3, name: "Sales", class: "task", data: {}, html: '
Sales & Invoicing
Enroll new customers, add new purchases and invoicing, log costs, and define the reports you want.
', typenode: false, inputs: { input_1: { connections: [{ node: "2", input: "output_1" }] } }, outputs: { connections: [{ node: "4", input: "input_1" }] }, pos_x: 420, pos_y: 20 }, "4": { id: 4, name: "E-commerce", class: "task", data: {}, html: '
Selling products and services and collecting payments online? Here\'s what we do to consolidate all your sales.
', typenode: false, inputs: { input_1: { connections: [{ node: "3", input: "output_1" }] } }, outputs: { connections: [{ node: "5", input: "input_1" }] }, pos_x: 420, pos_y: 280 }, "5": { id: 5, name: "Maintenance", class: "task", data: {}, html: '
As a SaaS service, we are constantly evolving. Keep an eye on newsletters.
', typenode: false, inputs: { input_1: { connections: [{ node: "4", input: "output_1" }] } }, outputs: { }, pos_x: 800, pos_y: 120 } } } } }
